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Our Mission:
To provide a regular forum for today’s
established and rising leaders to hear from
prominent and distinguished speakers on
the most important and relevant topics
shaping our future and the world.

Past Speakers

Steve Brobeck, Executive Director, Consumer Federation of America (4/26/2002)

Dr. John H. Budd, President, American Medical Association (11/17/1977)

Mike Sommers, President & CEO, American Petroleum Institute (4/14/2022)

Bob Chase, President, National Education Association (6/8/2001)

Thomas J. Donohue, President, American Trucking Association (9/13/1985)

Roger Dow, President, U.S. Travel Association (07/07/2017)

Jack N. Gerard, President and CEO, American Petroleum Institute (4/17/2012)

Jerry J. Jasinowski, President, National Association of Manufacturers (9/30/1994)

Dr. Richard L. Lesher, President, U.S. Chamber of Commerce (1/18/1985)

Larry E. Naake, Executive Director, National Association of Counties (2/2/1996)

Jesse Rosen, President & CEO, League of American Orchestras (4/1/2019)

Donald T. Senterfitt, President, American Bankers Association (5/9/1986)

Randolph Smoak, President, American Medical Association (3/8/2001)

Sen. Richard Schweiker, President, American Council of Life Insurance (3/13/1992)

Chris Thompson, President & CEO, Brand USA (8/05/2020)